Air filter cartridge

Dust Collector Cartridge Filter
Dust Collector Cartridge Filter
  • A high-performance cartridge air filter with an innovative pleat design that packs in 35% more filter media within the cartridge to extend filter life.

    More pleats per inch for a more compact, high-performing filter and an overall smaller dust collection system.

    Excellent filtration efficiency and performance.

    Cellulose polyester blends in MERV 11 or MERV 15.

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Product Details

  • The filtering cartridges are made of the industry’s smallest nanofibre (10 microns) – the best in its class, with MERV 15 efficiency on sub-micron particles. This incredible technology is capable of capturing 100% of foreign particulates down to 0.3 µM in size and obtaining unequaled surface loading capabilities with nano-sized interfibre pores. The fibres of a conventional cartridge media are six times larger, which allows small particles to become deeply embedded within the media substrate.


    Automotive: metalworking processes, battery cell production, electrical motor manufacturing

    Chemical: Bulk handlig, weighing, blending, mixing, milling

    Food & Beverage: Weighing, mixing, coating, silo venting, bulk handling

    Metalworking: Casting, welding, grinding, metal polisihing & linishing, powder paint coating, blasting, laser & plasma cutting, thermal spraying, CNC-machining

    Mining: Crushing, conveying, product recovery

    Paper & Cardboard: Shredding, binding, cutting, recycling

    Pharmaceutical: Tablet coating, tablet press, fluid bed & spray drying, blending, granulation, packaging, central vacuum applications

    Woodworking: Sawing, planing, routing, CNC-machining

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    • Professional manufacturer with many years' experience
    • Good quality with competitive price
    • Available in standard and custom sizes
    • Various payment items are acceptable
    • Good service by experienced manager

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