HEPA air filters remove asbestos from the air

HEPA filters are designed to purify air in the absence of sources. In manufacturing clean rooms they are used to remove particles as small as 0.2 microns efficiently but two factors need to be noted that most likely make them not applicable for your case.
1. Sources of particle generation need to be removed otherwise the best you achieve is just a small reduction in net density. If you do not remove all particle sources, a dynamic equilibrium is reached between generation and removal. Even that equilibrium is not permanent since at some point the filter is saturated and loses its efficiency. For example, in semiconductor manufacturing clean rooms all users have to wear special suites, cover all exposed head and facial hair, not use paper or pencil products, etc. If you have asbestos contamination of your area, most likely you have an open source like deteriorated piping insulation or wall insulation or built up on ground that is being kicked up continuously. You need to remove those sources by personnel wearing protective suites first.
2. It takes time to lower the particle count. The recirculating ventilation system (similar to what you have in that Amazon product) recirculates air through the filter slowly compared to the total volume of air in the room. So even in the absence of sources of particles or contaminants, any filters takes hours (if not days) before a low concentration is achieved. For asbestos case, being exposed to contaminated air for h...