
2024-06-18 Viwe 0

These specialized filters capture smaller pollutants and remove the harmful particles from the air. The efficient vacuum filters trap the finest dust particles by sucking in dust mites, pollen, dander

2024-06-17 Viwe 0

A HEPA filter stops different-sized particles in various ways. Large particles are too big to pass through the gaps in the filter, so they get stuck. Smaller particles (things like bacteria, for examp

2024-06-15 Viwe 0

Microscopic airborne particles are nearly impossible to see, but can be taken into the lungs and be irritating or damaging to your health, especially for anyone who suffers from allergies or asthma. L

Best Air Filter

The best air filter depends on size or dimensions, filtration rating (MERV, MPR, FPR), and quality. Our aftermarket filters are more affordable and higher performing than most OEM (original equipment manufacturer) brands