
Why is it necessary to remove such small particles from the air?

2024-06-15 0

Microscopic airborne particles are nearly impossible to see, but can be taken into the lungs and be irritating or damaging to your health, especially for anyone who suffers from allergies or asthma. Larger particles such as pollen, mould spores, dust and other allergens are usually filtered out of our systems in the nose or throat – causing all of those unpleasant symptoms that allergy suffers face. These larger particles are easily removed from the air by a HEPA filter.

Smaller particles, such as PM 10 particles, which are only 10 microns in diameter make it past our throat and into our lungs. Even smaller particles, like PM2.5 particles which are 2.5 microns in diameter, can make it right down into the alveoli in our lungs, posing a serious health risk. Most of these tiny particles are pollutants resulting from fossil fuels, traffic or chemicals.

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